Hoodia Gordonii Is A Type Of Cactus Found Typically In The Namib Desert.

By Levi Lopez

It is important to note, that there are many species of Hoodia Cacti, but it is the Gordonii variety that has the appetite suppressing qualities that people are trying to gain from the variety of Hoodia Products available.

The usual products available with Hoodia Gordonii are Pills or Tablets - that contain the 100% pure ground plant.

How Does Hoodia Work? Hoodia gordonii makes your brain think that your stomach is full whenever you eat. In this case, you can clearly see that the reason why it is very popular is because it stops the root cause of your weight problem, and that is 'appetite'. If you have a very good appetite, then you tend to eat a lot, as in a whole lot.

It's very good if you are an active individual, but then, as many people already know, the amount of calories burned is really small compared to the amount of calories you take in no matter how active the person is.

This is the reason why fats develop and accumulate in the body. With the hoodia gordonii's way of slimming you down, the phenomenon of 'big and healthy appetite' has really stopped.

At the end of the 15 day study it was shown that the patients taking the Hoodia had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. So even though they were allowed to eat they didn't eat as much, showing that the plant did give the desired effect of suppressing their appetite.

Just by reading through the reviews of the consumers of the product, you can come up with two basic themes.

A set of morbidly obese volunteers were kept in a "prison like" state, and half were given a placebo, the other given Hoodia Gordonii. After 15 days, the half who had been given the Hoodia had reduced their calorie intake by 1000Kcal a day.

Since it is made from natural ingredients, it has less side effects compared to traditional diet pills made from chemicals and that is also one reason for its popularity.

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