Why Over 80% Of New Year Resolutions To Lose Weight Fail Within One Month

By Howe Russ

It's the January rush and gyms around the world are flooded with people asking for explanations on how to lose weight quickly and effectively. That's right, it's New Year's resolution time again. Sadly, the overwhelming majority of people who make weight loss their ultimate resolution for the new year tend to get absolutely nowhere and find themselves making the exact same goal twelve months later.

Let's look at why people find it difficult to get lasting results.

This is a problem which affects millions of people, so if you have fallen victim to it in the past you can seek some reassurance in the fact that you are certainly not by yourself. January has become associated with joining a gym and many people do it purely because it's habit.

A lot of people who constantly set failed New Year's resolutions are looking for an instant fix to their problems. The first step of getting results is realizing that nothing will change overnight. January 1st will indeed come and go, you will still be required to put the work in during February, March and the later months.

Perhaps you make these goals every year purely because society tells you that it's what you are supposed to do at the end of the year. However, you won't actually achieve anything until you start getting a little bit more serious with yourself.

It's all just a way of comforting yourself, creating reasons which make it okay for you to fail. Your body doesn't really care whether it's the first of January or the twelve of February. Yet if you ask somebody to start their next diet on a Thursday you'll generally get a look of shock from them. Ultimately, if you're going to do it you'll do it.

Successfully dieting to burn fat works no matter what day of the week, or date of the month it happens to be. If you make excuses to fail, such as trying to tell yourself that you'll start your diet again next week because it's Tuesday and you've enjoyed a piece of junk food, you won't get anywhere.

Results are there for you to achieve at any time of the year. You can start by setting a calorie deficit, which means consuming slightly less food per day than you do now. Once you have this in check you can combine it with regular water intake and small, regular meals replacing big, square meals which will help your metabolism.

So there you have it. Most of us don't fail to get results from our diet because we lack some kind of special ingredient or secret formula. Most fail because January is a month which prompts almost everybody to make big claims of changing their body, most of whom are simply not ready to do it yet. When you want to figure out how to lose weight effectively, the first thing to take into consideration is how serous you actually are. If you're genuinely as serious as you claim to be, then it really doesn't matter what month it is.

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